About Cutis

Cutis is the centre for all kind of skin and hair treatment under one roof. The centre is providing
medical treatment for skin diseases and nonsurgical aesthetic procedures for skin rejuvenation for
men and women. Cutis provide you the best look on your big day with its special services.


"Know Your Skin" - a Skin Analysis Programme. Date and Venue will be announce soon.

For further information call +91 9831556333


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Quick Tips

  • 1) Apply suitable medicated sunscreen at 2hrs interval.
  • 2) Take plenty of green vegetables and fruits everyday.
  • 3) Avoid sunlight, wear broad brim hat and sunglass during summer.
Care of Skin on summerdays
  • 1) Wash frequently with water
  • 2) Avoid direct exposure of sunlight
  • 3) Apply medicated sunscrean, repeat at frequent interval
  • 4) Have lots of water, juice, fruits
  • 5) remove all makeup before going to bed with a medicated cleaning lotion,
  • 6) Wash hair every day.